Reaching for common ground Use the CAALA Convention for practical lessons on how to practice civility with the defense bar Stuart Zanville From Issue: 2021 September
Discovery referee appointments A guide for the trial attorney highlighting three different types of referee appointment Michael S. Fields From Issue: 2021 September
CAALA Vegas is bigger, more inclusive than ever 114 attorney speakers and 17 bench officers speak on 105 topics Genie Harrison From Issue: 2021 September
15 keys to resolving your case at mediation A veteran mediator’s practical tips on how to achieve the best possible settlement outcome Alan Saler From Issue: 2021 September
Mediating employment-discrimination cases An outline of the process and a look at key considerations to maximize success at mediation Angela Reddock-Wright From Issue: 2021 September
Court proceedings after mediation Mediation tips from “the professor” on how to best use the courts to wrap up your mediation Enrique Romero From Issue: 2021 September
Arbitrability Who decides whether the matter is subject to the contract’s arbitration clause? Elizabeth R. Feffer From Issue: 2021 September