Sexual harassment, sexual assault, and claims not subject to mandatory arbitration A review of Federal H.R. 4445 and California A.B. 51 From Issue: 2022 September
Arbitration hypnosis Using hidden gems to recalibrate your distaste for arbitration Leonard H. Sansanowicz From Issue: 2022 September
When families fight The best mediation practices in the burgeoning field of civil financial elder-abuse allegations Daniel Spector From Issue: 2022 September
The nuts and bolts of Kaiser medical-malpractice arbitrations The basics of prosecuting medical-malpractice cases against Kaiser Permanente Jacob BrenderJennifer R. Johnson From Issue: 2022 September
Resolve Law LA A valuable ADR program that provides Mandatory Settlement Conferences at no cost to the parties Mark Kramer From Issue: 2022 September
Private judging with a stipulated “temporary judge” An ADR alternative Michael S. Fields From Issue: 2022 September
Discovery in uninsured and underinsured motorist cases UM/UIM discovery is similar to standard litigation, but the devil is in the details Barry P. Goldberg From Issue: 2022 September
Zoom tips for increased effectiveness of remote mediations A practical guide for maximizing effectiveness of remote Zoom mediations, from advance preparation to sharing documents Elizabeth R. Feffer From Issue: 2022 September
Welcome to the magic of CAALA Vegas The annual convention began 40 years ago and we’ve been coming to Las Vegas ever since Douglas N. Silverstein From Issue: 2022 September
Resolving attorney fee disputes under the Mandatory Fee Arbitration Act (MFAA) The MFAA requires an attorney in a client fee dispute to offer the client the option of participating in a dispute resolution program with a local bar association Ron W. MakaremJared Walder From Issue: 2022 September
Recent developments in employment arbitration law from 2021 and 2022 A look at Viking River Cruises and other recent and important employment arbitration decisions From Issue: 2022 September
Multiple case filings in arbitration The AAA has a history of handling large-volume caseloads. Here is a review of the AAA’s rules and processes to resolve such matters Aaron SchmidtAdam Shoneck From Issue: 2022 September