Secrets and Lists

Facts and benefits for CAALA members

Stuart Zanville
2015 November

Admit it, everyone loves secrets and lists. This column will combine the two and what’s more fun than a secret list?

It doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned CAALA member, a new attorney or a plaintiff trial lawyer who isn’t yet a member; this column will give you some facts about CAALA you might not know and some “secret” member benefits of which you might not be aware.

Here are 10 facts about CAALA you probably don’t know:

(1.) The Association was created in 1949.

(2.) The founding members pioneered the civil plaintiff trial attorney practice area.

(3.) CAALA’s original name was the Association of Claimants Compensation Attorneys.

(4.) The Association has had six names through the years and became the Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles in 1994.

(5.) Membership in CAALA is strictly limited to civil plaintiff attorneys only.

(6.) CAALA is the nation’s largest local trial lawyer association with more than 2,500 attorney members.

(7.) CAALA is an independent association but is closely aligned with the Consumer Attorneys of California and the American Association for Justice.

(8.) Since 2005 CAALA’s office has been in downtown Los Angeles, on the corner of Sixth and Flower.

(9.) CAALA is governed by a 35-person Board of Governors and an Executive Committee made up of six elected officers and three past presidents.

(10.) CAALA’s day-to-day operation is managed by an eight-person staff.

The “secret” stuff

CAALA member or not, every trial lawyer in Southern California knows about the major benefits that CAALA provides. I’m talking about CAALA’s Las Vegas Convention, Members-Only List Serves, Education programs and the opportunities we provide for you to connect with your brother and sister trial lawyers.

Many of you recently attended CAALA Vegas, the nation’s most successful trial attorney convention. CAALA’s Members-Only List Serves reach more attorneys than any trial lawyer association list serves and CAALA’s Education programs have earned a national reputation for their excellence.

But here are 10 “secret” CAALA member benefits that even long-time CAALA members might not know about.

(1.) On-Demand Legal Education Library

CAALA’s Web site offers a comprehensive archive of past Legal Education seminar presentations including videos from the annual Las Vegas Convention. It is fully searchable and eligible for State Bar self-study MCLE credit.


CAALA’s Web site features a members-only Document Bank with more than 2,500 valuable documents submitted by leading CAALA attorneys. It is a gold mine of important documents for young and veteran lawyers.


In addition to in-person Education Seminars, CAALA presents numerous online legal education seminars featuring CAALA attorneys and leading trial lawyers from around the country. The webinars are easily accessible and are one hour in length.


CAALA offers a Mentor Program that connects more than 200 new attorneys with veteran attorneys who provide career and practice support and tips.


If you have been practicing 10 years or less, CAALA offers monthly Roundtables and a dedicated list serve for New Lawyers. Share experiences with your peers and learn valuable information from leading CAALA members. The list serve includes alerts when and where CAALA attorneys are currently in trial.


CAALA’s Web site offers a directory of all members that is only available to other members. The directory has contact information and email addresses for all current members. Members can also access their MCLE history including in-person seminars, webinars and the Las Vegas Convention.


Once each quarter CAALA hosts a closed-door, open-ended Roundtable that gives CAALA’s female members a chance to share experiences, listen to and learn from other CAALA women. CAALA also offers a private list serve for female member attorneys.


At the top of the Landing Page of the CAALA Web site is a powerful site-wide search bar that lets you enter names or topics to instantly access every relevant document on the CAALA Web site INCLUDING List Serve posts and video presentations made at CAALA Vegas.


CAALA members can access an online directory of more than 200 vendors who do business with CAALA members. The Directory is on the CAALA Web site and is fully searchable. Many of the vendors offer special pricing for CAALA members.


CAALA’s downtown office has two conference rooms that are available to members at no charge on a first-come, first served basis. They can be used for client meetings, depositions and video depositions.

Now that you know about them, these benefits are no longer “secret,” but that’s o.k. Most can be accessed from CAALA’s Web site, which also features a mobile platform so it can be easily viewed on your smart phone or tablet.

Feel free to contact the CAALA office if you have questions.

Stuart Zanville Stuart Zanville

Stuart Zanville is the Executive Director of the Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles (CAALA). Contact him at (213) 487-1212 or by e-mail:

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