Stand and deliver

OCTLA programs offer what you need to be a great trial lawyer – like the Top Gun lawyers we will celebrate in December. But first, the Bench & Bar Golf Tournament October 9

Shaina Colover
2017 October

As consumer advocates, we have the opportunity and responsibility to stand up and fight for our clients.  To make sure we are effective, we must educate ourselves on current issues in order to identify and promote laws that correct injustice and protect access to the civil justice system.

“Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.”

– Benjamin Franklin

The knowledge we need to adequately defend the rights of our clients and consumers throughout the state doesn’t just seep into our brains through osmosis and good intention. It requires affirmative steps on our part to connect with other consumer advocates, educate ourselves on the issues and emerging law, and understand how best to make our voices heard and matter.

Whether that is by attending annual legal conventions (such as the OCTLA/CAOC Palm Springs Seminar or the CAOC Annual Convention), attending MCLE programs with your local TLA (like OCTLA’s monthly dinner programs and brown bag lunch forums), communicating with other consumer advocates in your area (through OCTLA’s Listserv or at one of many TLA events throughout the year) or by attending Justice Day in Sacramento (where you will meet with your local legislators on issues important to your clients and professions); whichever you choose is a positive step in the right direction. So long as you remain educated, engaged and undeterred, we are one voice stronger and one step closer to achieving our goals.

“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Mark Twain

Celebrating our successes: Top Gun

OCTLA has a long and proud history of building relationships within the community and of recognizing the accomplishments of our colleagues. This year is no exception as we leap into the fall season. First, OCTLA’s Bench and Bar Golf Tournament returns to El Niguel Country Club on October 9, 2017. As with last year’s event, this year’s tournament will sell out, so book your foursome now and enjoy Columbus Day out on the golf course. You can register at

I want to personally congratulate the very worthy honorees who will be recognized at this year’s Top Gun Trial Lawyer of the Year Awards and Charity Auction being held on December 2, 2017 at the Newport Beach Marriott: Mark P. Robinson, Jr. (Personal Injury), Richard E. Donahoo (Financial Fraud/Elder Abuse), Brian J. McCormack (Premises Liability) and Thomas Feher (Young Gun) will all be recognized for their outstanding recent results.

In addition, OCTLA will be inducting Wylie A. Aitken as the fifth member of OCTLA’s Hall of Fame. Wylie has dedicated his entire legal career to representing plaintiffs and giving back to the community in innumerable ways, and we are very excited and honored to induct him into the OCTLA Hall of Fame on what will be a truly memorable evening.

Auction benefits to The Eli Home

Consistent with OCTLA’s tradition of giving back, this year 100% of the proceeds of the Top Gun silent and live auction will benefit The Eli Home, a safe harbor for abused women and children in Orange County. The work The Eli Home does is tremendous and OCTLA looks forward to a successful evening of fundraising to help ensure The Eli Home has the financial resources it needs to continue its mission to restore safety and hope to the lives of women and children throughout the county.

Mark your calendars now for December 2, at The Marriott in Newport Beach. To purchase tickets, become a sponsor, or donate an item for the silent auction, please go to or contact Janet Thornton at (949) 916-9577.

Mixer and holiday luncheon

The year rounds out with two more fantastic events. On October 11 at 6:00 p.m. OCTLA is having a networking mixer at the Center Club, free to all OCTLA members. Then on October 26, Mindy Bish will be presenting “Using the reptile theory in your closing argument” – providing information on preparing your closing arguments, the use of jury instructions and the pros and cons of PowerPoints. You can sign up for each of these programs at

OCTLA’s year will conclude with our annual holiday luncheon at Original Mike’s in Santa Ana on Friday, December 15, offering attendees an opportunity to reflect on the year and break bread with judicial officers from the Superior Court, Court of Appeal and Federal District Court. Go to OCTLA’s website to get your tickets.

OCTLA has had an incredibly successful and productive year thus far. I look forward to seeing you at one of our many upcoming events in the near future.

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”

Winston S. Churchill

Shaina Colover Shaina Colover

Shaina Colover is 2017 President of the Orange County Trial Lawyers Association and practices personal injury law with her dad at The Law Offices of Ronald B. Schwartz, upstairs from Muldoon’s Irish Pub in Newport Beach. She serves on the CAOC Diversity Committee and is former chair of the OCBA and OCTLA education committees.

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