Why is CAALA successful?
It’s a four-word answer
I often find myself thinking about why CAALA is a successful Trial Lawyer Association. Don’t laugh, that’s what TLA executive directors do.
Active CAALA members already know they belong to a successful association. Membership numbers are high and so is participation at our events and programs. Our signature event, CAALA Vegas, attracts record attendance every year. We have a national reputation as one of the premier trial lawyer associations. Membership renewal is good and more, younger attorneys are joining. I could keep going, but you get my point.
So, it’s a given that CAALA is successful. The question that I ask myself is “Why?”
After thinking about it, one thing stands out more than anything else. Here it is in four simple words and one powerful promise: “We’ve Got Your Back.”
Those four words perfectly describe why CAALA is successful.
- If you are a plaintiff trial attorney who wants to be a better lawyer, “We’ve Got Your Back.”
- If you are a young trial attorney taking on carriers and defense firms for the first time, “We’ve Got Your Back.”
- If you are a solo with a legal question you can’t answer, “We’ve Got Your Back.”
- If you are a veteran trial attorney trying to stay on top of new developments in the law, “We’ve Got Your Back.”
- If you are a trial lawyer who wants to connect and hear from the jurists you encounter every day, “We’ve Got Your Back.”
- If you want your voice heard in the halls of the State Capitol in Sacramento, “We’ve Got Your Back.”
- If you are a law student wondering how to pursue a career as a plaintiff trial attorney, “We’ve Got Your Back.”
OK, by now you get the four words, but your response is probably two words of your own: “How So?” Thank you for asking. CAALA delivers on the promise of “We’ve Got Your Back” by providing programs and services to make you a better lawyer that you can’t get anywhere else. Here are some examples.
Mentor Program
CAALA’s Mentor Program offers new lawyers the opportunity to develop one-on-one relationships with accomplished attorneys and benefit from their experience. The program serves as a forum for experienced attorneys to share their wisdom with new lawyers and offer advice and guidance on legal issues, business development, procedural and ethical dilemmas and even office politics.
Plaintiff Trial Academy
The CAALA Plaintiff Trial Academy (PTA) is a Civil Trial College for CAALA Attorney Members only. It provides six weeks of intensive training to a small group of students taught by a faculty of accomplished trial lawyers teaching advanced techniques in trial preparation and trial practice. The program consists of 15 days of intense instruction, videotaped student demonstrations, followed by critiques from the faculty in a constructive learning environment.
E-Learning – webinars and live streaming
When you don’t have time to travel to a program, take advantage of CAALA’s webinars or video streaming of live seminars and earn MCLE credit. Members can also view our recorded webinars, seminars and convention programs on-demand through our Legal Education Center.
New Lawyers Committee
Attorney members of less than 10 years as attorneys are invited to be part of the New Lawyers Committee and take advantage of regular programs and ongoing services tailored specifically for them. Throughout the year, New Lawyers can attend free roundtable programs with fellow new lawyers and walk away with “how-to” tips, insight and guidance from top trial attorney members.
New Lawyers also have their own List Serve to ask questions and share information with other New Lawyers.
Resource libraries and document bank
When you need sample documents and information in a hurry, CAALA’s members-only libraries are packed with pivotal samples, documents, forms and tools contributed by your fellow legal superstars. This ever-growing collection of documents and sample templates is designed to save you time and help you litigate your cases.
The Document Bank is a separate, free collection of 2,900+ documents including pleadings, discovery, motions, jury instructions and more, contributed by attorney members. It is fully searchable, and documents are in native file format for easy customization. Every document download is free.
List Serves
Nothing that CAALA provides says, “We’ve Got Your Back” better than CAALA’s List Serves. The List Serves are a virtual law firm that lets you connect in real time to more than 2,200 CAALA members when you have questions about trial tips and strategy or need advice about your office and practice. The CAALA List Serves reach more than 70 percent of CAALA’s members and are an invaluable resource regardless of your years in practice.
CAALA website
The final example of how “We’ve Got Your Back,” is the CAALA website. This is where you can access and learn more about everything I’ve described in this column, regardless of the day or time. This is where you can register for every event or program, including CAALA Vegas. The CAALA website, including the List Serves, is easily accessed on your smart phone and is fully mobile friendly.
By logging on to www.caala.org, you will learn firsthand that CAALA is successful because “We’ve Got Your Back.”
Stuart Zanville
Stuart Zanville is the Executive Director of the Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles (CAALA). Contact him at (213) 487-1212 or by e-mail: stuart@caala.org.
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