CAOC Justice Day is back!

Sharing the human component of the work you do with legislators

Jacquie Serna
2023 April

One of the things I have missed most during the pandemic is being surrounded by our members and listening to your victories and challenges as consumer attorneys. As an advocate, I often take those stories and tell them to the legislators in Sacramento when I advocate for the issues, we all care about. The human component of the work you do is so crucial and it makes all the difference when we are trying to pass legislation in Sacramento. That is why I am delighted to announce that CAOC’s annual lobby day, Justice Day is finally back after a long, four-year hiatus. We are finally ready to bring back our beloved Sacramento tradition and we hope you will join us in Sacramento April 24-25 for an epic two-day event.

Whether you have attended Justice Day ten times before or you are completely new to the event, I am honored to have you join us for this fun day of advocacy and bonding with your fellow trial lawyers.

Justice Day starts on April 24th with a Welcome Reception on Monday night at the swanky Prelude Kitchen & Bar across the street from the Capitol building. There you will enjoy food and drinks and bond with plaintiff’s attorneys from across the state. Numerous legislators and elected officials will also be in attendance to welcome you to Sacramento. Our welcome night concludes with OCTLA’s “A Nightcap at the Capitol” event.

On April 25th, CAOC’s Justice Day, 150 or so consumer attorneys from throughout California will gather at the state Capitol to take part in democracy in its purest form. The day will begin with breakfast at the Sutter Club and a welcome from CAOC president Greg Rizio. Following the welcome, you will hear from a beloved champion of CAOC, Majority Leader Eloise Gomez Reyes, who will provide an informative and entertaining presentation on the do’s and don’ts of lobbying elected officials. CAOC’s advocates will then prep you for your meetings by giving you a brief overview of the legislation CAOC is working on this year.

After the breakfast program, you will take a group photograph on the steps of the historic Court of Appeal, Third Appellate District building, before breaking into smaller groups to begin a day of lobby meetings in the new “Swing Space” the temporary headquarters for the Sacramento Legislature, while the Capitol building is being renovated. Consumer Attorneys will meet with over 90 key lawmakers and staff to educate them on who you are, what you do, and most importantly – whom you represent.

Following your morning lobby meetings, you will return to the Sutter Club for lunch and a speech by the incomparable Secretary of State, Doctor Shirley Weber. After lunch and another round of advocacy meetings, we will close the day at the trendy new wine bar, Betty, where you can unwind, debrief with your colleagues, and enjoy one another’s company before heading home.

Justice Day is one of the most important components of CAOC’s advocacy program, and it’s the active participation of our members that makes it such an effective means of communicating with our elected officials in support of your practice and your clients. I can’t wait to see you on April 24- 25. I hope you will join us to make this a truly historic event.

Jacquie Serna Jacquie Serna

Jacquie Serna joined CAOC in 2011. Jacquie has worked to ban secret settlements in sexual harassment cases, enact crucial consumer protections for elder abuse victims, require that doctors check the state-wide database before prescribing dangerous opioid drugs, and ensure fair and just compensation for injured undocumented immigrants. Jacquie specializes in employment and consumer protections and has spent the past eight years at CAOC fighting the harmful effects of forced arbitration. Born and raised in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, Jacquie is a proud "Double Bruin," receiving her bachelor's and law degree from UCLA.

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