Summer may be winding down but OCTLA is not
Charity auction donations needed for support of OC advocates for foster children
Summer is almost over (insert sad emoji face here). I feel like last week I was writing my June article, kicking off summer with a bang. Now we are winding it down. Fortunately for Orange County trial lawyers, the board does not wind down and continues their hard work providing exceptional education programs and fun social events.
OCTLA is offering a Brown Bag Lunch at the Orange County Superior Court on August 24, 2023 at 12:00 noon. This unique event will offer attendees the chance to get to know the new OC judges and learn about their courtroom management and trial preferences. This Lunch and Learn is free to OCTLA members ($35 for non-members).
In September, OCTLA is presenting an in-person seminar on appeals and how to protect your record in discovery and in trial.
Did you know the OCTLA website has an on-line database of webinars? There are over 40 CLE-approved webinars that you can watch on-demand on numerous topics, such as Minor’s Compromise and Structuring Your Settlements, Mastering Medical Information – What You Need to Know for Your Medical Malpractice Case, and Mastering Spine Injury Cases. Check it out at and click under our Events tab to find all the on-demand CLE videos we have to offer.
And finally, we are hard at work gathering auction donations for our Top Gun Trial Lawyer of the Year Awards Gala & Charitable Auction. The auction supports CASA-OC. CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) is a privately funded non-profit organization that serves severely abused, neglected and abandoned children through the recruitment, training, and continued support of volunteers who advocate for and mentor Orange County children.
From the courtroom to the classroom, CASA advocates represent the best interests of the children they serve. But they can’t do it without our help. OCTLA chose CASA-OC as our 2023 charity recipient to assist CASA in the recruitment and training of additional CASA advocates. There is currently a wait list for Orange County foster youth waiting for an advocate, and OCTLA wants to change that. The more advocates trained by CASA, the more children can be appointed an advocate to mentor and assist them through this difficult time in their life. One way of raising money at the awards gala in November is through our silent and live auction. Please consider donating your vacation rental, sporting event tickets, concert tickets, fine wine, entertainment packages, a night on the town, etc. for this great cause. Contact Janet Thornton, OCTLA Executive Director at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information. Every dollar raised in the auction goes directly to CASA-OC. We thank you in advance for your support!
Lindsey Aitken
Lindsey Aitken is the Managing Partner at the law firm Aitken Campbell Heikaus Weaver, specializing in employment law. ACHW represents employees in all aspects of employment law, including wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and unfair competition, including claims under both federal and California laws, such as the Family and Medical Leave Act, the California Family Rights Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, the Equal Pay Act, California’s Trade Secret Act, and other labor and employment laws.
Lindsey is currently serving as President of the Orange County Trial Lawyers Association and served as President of the Celtic Bar Association from 2015-2017. She is a member of American Association for Justice, Consumer Attorneys of California, and the Orange County Bar Association.
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