2015 January

Advocate Jan15 cvr ezine

Articles in this issue:
Opening statement: Creating a competitive advantage

Opening statement: Creating a competitive advantage

The well-crafted opening statement can create unstoppable momentum

Spencer Lucas

2015 January

When the class-action case does not settle

When the class-action case does not settle

Trying the class action is a new experience, but with a familiar feel – much like a regular trial

Joshua H. Haffner

2015 January

Don’t let the value of your trip/slip-and-fall case slip away

Don’t let the value of your trip/slip-and-fall case slip away

Your litigation plan must include establishing client credibility in addition to liability and damages

Thomas Steven Feher

2015 January

Non-economic damages: Destination to a fair outcome

Non-economic damages: Destination to a fair outcome

Strategies for substantial non-economic damages begin at early client meetings and continue through closing argument

James DeSimone

2015 January

Earnings claims and special vs. general damages

Asserting a claim for future loss-of-earning-capacity damages rather than future loss-of-earnings

Nicole Lari-Joni
Torsten Bassell

2015 January

Voir dire from the human perspective

The universal human experience and its role in voir dire

Anthony Luti

2015 January

Interview: Carl Douglas on “Jury selection”

A Trial Lawyer of the Year shares his experiences in voir dire

2015 January

Keep it simple! A new model for trying a lawsuit

Keep it simple! A new model for trying a lawsuit

TMI! The jury cannot focus on your important facts if you overload them with the needless and mundane

John P. Blumberg

2015 January

The CAALA Plaintiff Trial Academy

The CAALA Plaintiff Trial Academy

New lawyers get their feet wet by swimming with the rhinos. The new PTA teaches CAALA members how to try cases with the best of them

Mike Arias

2015 January

Duty calls

Jury service – a learning opportunity

Miles B. Cooper

2015 January

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