The key to these cases is understanding the law and how to obtain the evidence to prove your case
John F. Ramey
From Issue: 2023 May
If you are just presenting a lump sum WC lien to the jury and asking for that award, you are wasting a good opportunity to increase the value of your case
From Issue: 2023 May
Do not let Privette’s implied delegation shift the cost of defendant’s harm onto plaintiffs and workers’ compensation carriers
Alan Van Gelder
From Issue: 2023 May
When the WC carrier denies coverage, here are strategies on using the resultant enhanced discovery to secure both WC coverage and enhance the civil case
Richard C. Alpers
From Issue: 2023 May
Navigating the denial of a Covid-19 workers’ compensation claim; presumptive and non-presumptive cases
Dane P. Gilliam
From Issue: 2023 May