2018 October

Advocate Oct18 cvr ezine

Articles in this issue:
Discovery: The claims file in bad-faith cases

Discovery: The claims file in bad-faith cases

How to get all the insurance company documents you need to build a bad-faith case

Danica Crittenden

2018 October

Expert witnesses and legal support staff

How do I find those experts? Which documents can I send them? A primer for legal support staff on how to support use of experts

Robert Clayton

2018 October

Chronic pain

Chronic pain

Living with pain for the rest of their lives impacts every aspect of their lives and deserves maximum compensation

Geoff Wells

2018 October

“Me too” and “not me too” evidence in employment litigation

“Me too” and “not me too” evidence in employment litigation

Proving that an employee harassed or the employer discriminated against similarly situated individuals other than the plaintiff

Genie Harrison
Mary Olszewska
Amber Phillips

2018 October

Disparate-impact claims in employment and housing

Disparate-impact claims have the potential to grow in importance as a tool for reducing discrimination

William C. Jhaveri-Weeks
Anne Bellows

2018 October

The defense medical exam is not an interrogation

Don’t let the medical examiner conduct an oral examination – this isn’t a deposition

Clifton N. Smoot

2018 October

A post-truth world

Attacks on freedom of the press and the rule of law

Stuart Zanville

2018 October

And the winner is...

Meet this year’s impressive TOP GUN honorees

Geraldine Ly

2018 October

Preparing experts post-<em>Sargon</em>

Preparing experts post-Sargon

Sargon reaffirmed that expert opinion cannot be speculative or based on conjecture

Torsten Bassell

2018 October

Appellate Reports

Brady v. Bayer Corp. — Don’t call it “One A Day” vitamins and then in small print tell us we must take two; or if you prefer: one gummie a day won’t keep the rickets away

Jeffrey I. Ehrlich

2018 October

Lien guide for the trial attorney (Part 1 of 2)

A compendium on Attorney liens for contingent fees – includes application of new ethics rules effective November 1

Michael S. Fields

2018 October

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