Nancy Drabble

Nancy Drabble

Nancy Drabble came to CAOC in 1986 after a stint with Ralph Nader’s consumer rights organization, “Nader’s Raiders.” At CAOC, she was a behind-the-scenes player in the “napkin deal” crafted at Frank Fat’s restaurant in 1988, helped defeat the “Terrible 200s” initiatives in 1996 and has played an instrumental role in budget negotiations to protect the courts. A native of Los Angeles, Drabble received her law degree from UC Berkeley.

Articles written by this author:

COVID, court budget and civil rights

Halfway through the legislative year, we’re battling court funding cuts and tort reformers

Nancy Drabble

2020 August

It’s been a year of success for CAOC

From MICRA to financial responsibility limits

Nancy Drabble

2022 September

New California law bans State Bar’s pursuit of corporately owned law firms

The State Bar’s attempt to change the practice of law in California meets an abrupt end – for now

Nancy Drabble
Saveena K. Takhar

2022 November