Natalie Weatherford

Natalie Weatherford

Natalie Weatherford of Taylor & Ring, Los Angeles, handles all types of personal injury cases specializing in handling sexual abuse, sexual assault and sexual harassment cases involving children and adults.

Articles written by this author:

Litigating childhood sexual-abuse cases

Focus your discovery on who knew what, and when, while limiting the minor’s involvement in the process

Natalie Weatherford

2014 February

Seven key evidentiary issues in sexual assault, abuse and harassment cases

Keeping the plaintiff’s “consent” and sexual history out of evidence while bringing defendant’s related criminal matters into evidence

David M. Ring
Natalie Weatherford

2015 October

Seven key evidentiary issues in sexual assault, abuse and harassment cases

Seven key evidentiary issues in sexual assault, abuse and harassment cases

Keeping the plaintiff’s “consent” and sexual history out of evidence while bringing defendant’s related criminal matters into evidence

David M. Ring
Natalie Weatherford

2015 October

Motions to compel: The new reality

How to bring your motion to compel and get it ruled on

Natalie Weatherford

2016 December

Government tort claims

A very short primer on practice and procedure

Natalie Weatherford

2018 November

Protecting your plaintiff in sexual-misconduct cases

A plaintiff in a sexual-misconduct case can go through their case with dignity and emerge feeling empowered

Natalie Weatherford
Sonya Ostovar

2020 April

Don’t let prejudicial bad facts ruin your good case

Key laws to protect your plaintiff from prejudicial evidence at trial through motions in limine

Natalie Weatherford
Peter Reagan

2023 January

Discovery in sexual-abuse cases

Restoring control and empowering victims of sexual abuse through discovery

Natalie Weatherford
Afnan Shukry

2024 April

Delivering a powerful closing argument

Telling your story using demonstratives and evidence

Natalie Weatherford

2024 October